I once lived in a one-towel punk rock household where nobody ever took out our empty beer cans. We’d sit…
Yoga is more than poses.
Discover a deeper aspect of yoga beyond the poses with Teresa Bergen. Explore the philosophy, ethics, and spiritual principles of yoga intertwined with sobriety. Dive into the transformative power of the yamas, enhancing character and relationships. Join Teresa monthly for insights on how yoga and meditation can guide our paths to recovery and clarity.
Imagine you’re a 15-year-old girl, and you enter a room where a bunch of friends await you, gathered around a…
Continuing with our study of yoga philosophy, this month’s column delves into the yama, or ethical restraint, of brahmacarya. You…
Continuing with our study of yoga philosophy, this month’s column delves into the yama, or ethical restraint, of asteya. What’s…
Continuing with our study of yoga philosophy, this month’s column delves into the yama, or ethical restraint, of satya. The…
Yoga is more than poses. The word yoga means “to yoke.” In this case, we’re trying to yoke our own…