By signing up for our email newsletter list, you will be automatically entered to win ONE ITEM of your choice from www.shopthesobercurator.com That’s right. It’s YOUR CHOICE! Winner gets to pick one item of their choice for themselves or to be gifted to someone they love and adore.
Sober Curator Pro Tip: We don’t even send out email newsletters regularly (because we’re out and about being sober and awesome), so we aren’t going to clog up your inbox. And if you don’t like what we send, you can always opt out. And no, we’re never going to sell or share your info with anyone without your permission, because that’s not cool sober homie.
The winner will be selected from our entire email list at the end of each 2022 calendar month because our loyal sober fans should always be in the running for some free recovery merch in addition to you newbies. Monthly winner to be published, with winner’s approval, right here on this page. We reserve the right to stop this contest at any time with a published 30-day warning because we like to keep things as close to one day at a time as possible. It’s a lifestyle choice, ya dig?