Let us entertain you! Here you’ll find a curated selection of podcasts, TV series & movies, events, and music with the underlying theme of addiction. We’re sober, not boring! We’re covering it if it’s trending in pop culture and relates to sobriety. Our taste is eclectic, and our reviews are honest. Check out the sober entertainment you never knew you needed until now.


#QUITLIT Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. #QUITLIT is our curated list of addiction and recovery book reviews. All Sober Curators should be well-read, from addiction and recovery memoirs to fiction and self-help.

ADDICTION FICTION Addiction fiction is a burgeoning genre that delves into the gritty reality of substance abuse and its impact on individuals and relationships, uniquely spotlighting personal growth, redemption, and the road to recovery. These narratives offer compelling, relatable messages through their exploration of addiction and recovery themes.

MOVIE NIGHT WITH THE SOBER CURATOR brings you the movies we love that also carry the underlying story of addiction, recovery, and mental illness.

THE MINDFUL BINGE features TV series where addiction and recovery are part of the main storyline.

PLAY IT AGAIN is jamming with music selections representing some part of our journeys and giving us all the feels.


SOBER SPORTS is our section of the site that is dedicated to promoting sobriety and wellness through sports and fitness. The section features articles, interviews, and personal stories from athletes and fitness enthusiasts who are committed to living a healthier, alcohol-free lifestyle.

RECOVERY PODCASTLAND is your one-stop shop to check out all recovery-based podcasts we’ve been curating.

F*cking Sober Podcast is the unflinching first person narrative of Anita Drake’s first 90 days of getting sober in NYC. (See what they did there? Say her name slowly…Anita Drake … I-need-a-drink LOL!) And that’s just the beginning of the cleverness this podcast is about to serve up.

I have always been fascinated with movies where alcoholism, addiction, and mental illness were the main part of the storyline. If I’m being honest with myself, I’m sure I was comparing myself to others. Before coming to terms with my own issues, I know I had stereotypes. I thought I knew what an alcoholic, an

Music can instantly transport you to another state and alter your mood in a heartbeat. So, of course, we’re creating the ultimate sober playlist.  If there is a song that plays an important part in your sobriety, we want to hear about it.  Send your requests to or DM us on Facebook, Pinterest, or Instagram.