Welcome to Recovery Podcastland
I was a little late to the podcast game. Once hooked, I had no problem making up for lost time. I won’t speak for all people in recovery, but as for myself, I tend to think that when I like something, I like it a lot. I overdo it. Songs can go on repeat for hours. I’ll re-binge and watch a Netflix series. I’ll overshop and overeat. I always take things too far, or I’ll be just a little “too much.”
That said, I have come across some awesome podcasts focused on recovery or podcasts created by people in sobriety. (We have to support our peeps!) When I’m not obsessively listening to true crime podcasts, that is. In no particular order, here are just a few podcasts I can’t live without.
True Crime with “My Favorite Murder“
I can appreciate dark humor, which Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark bring to the table with My Favorite Murder. While this podcast is focused on true crime, Karen is very open about her past struggles with drug and alcohol use. True crime, and I get to support another human in recovery? Count me in!
It’s 5 o’clock somewhere with “Recovery Happy Hour“
Recovery Happy Hour with Tricia Lewis has new episodes every Tuesday. Subscribe and listen weekly for inspiring stories of recovery from alcohol and what lies beyond the bottle. Pro tip: We also kind of love her on Instagram, so you should follow her there, too.
Going Up with Recovery Elevator
The Recovery Elevator podcast originally started because the founder knew they needed to hold themselves accountable publically to achieve sobriety. Bringing like-minded people together, this podcast has turned into a safe community. After 20 episodes (or so), they realized the real goal was to help others shed the shame of alcoholism and its consequences. While I haven’t listened to every single episode, I have always enjoyed the episodes I have checked out.
Glass half full with “Seltzer Squad“
Seltzer Squad’s tagline is “Staying Sober in the City”. Call me (Sober) Carrie Bradshaw, and put these gals on repeat. I knew when I went to their website that I was greeted with the words: We Drink Seltzer. We talk shit. We don’t pee the bed (anymore), that I had found my people.
They don’t claim to be role models. (hey, that’s just like us!) They just want to hang out, share their stories, and create community (and a cool factor, let’s be honest) around recovery. Pro tip: We are pretty sure they have the cutest merch available out of all of the recovery merchandise we’ve seen so far. Check out their store here.
“A Sober Girls Guide” – it’s not just for girls
Jess, a retired traveling DJ from West Hollywood, created A Sober Girls Guide Podcast to be a modern community and guide for women in recovery. She offers coaching and blogs regularly, and she has a merch shop, too! (I’m pretty sure I’m going to need to get the Sober Girl hoodie)
Recovery Radio with Russell Brand
While this podcast hasn’t published anything new in several years, after reading Russell Brands’ memoir My Booky Wook and Recovery Freedom From Addictions, I’m glad I took the time to listen to these 8 episodes. I was never really a fan of Russell prior to him getting sober, but I do enjoy his humor in sobriety.
Mental Health Coaching + Therapy with “The Sober Therapist”
The Sober Therapist podcast is part of Sobersoul Recovery. Lynn Matti, MA, LPCC, is a Person-Centered and Cognitive-Behavioral Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, Addiction/Sobriety/Recovery Coach, advocate, and leader who teaches online and in person at the intersection of resilience, courage, and hope. Lynn isn’t just professionally trained; she’s also personally in recovery.
“The Bubble Hour” is poppin’
Hosted by Jean M., The Bubble Hour is dedicated to breaking down the walls of stigma and denial surrounding the disease of alcoholism. Alcoholism affects more than 50% of American adults, either directly or indirectly, and yet it still remains a “taboo” topic and is still mostly misunderstood by the majority of people (even those affected by alcoholism and their loved ones).
This podcast seeks to inform, educate, and help people identify with the stories they hear, the conversations, and the interviews with people who are just like them and to let people know they aren’t alone.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Dax Shepard‘s podcast, Armchair Expert, celebrates the messiness of being human. What qualifies him? Well, he has more than a decade of sobriety, a degree in Anthropology, and four years of improv training. Plus, let’s be honest, he’s easy on the eyes, right ladies? Kristen Bell is one lucky gal.
Club Soda Club
Please don’t get confused like we did. This podcast is linked to a site with a name similar to a UK podcast. Even the Sober Curator can make a rookie mistake now and again. One thing we knew for sure was that we liked what we heard on the Club Soda Club podcast. You can also find him on Facebook and Instagram under the handle Van_Sober.
What we love is how this podcast focuses on the fact that everyone has their journey to sobriety—for some people, it’s waking up one day and asking yourself, ‘Why do I need to drink?’ For others, it’s a car crash and criminal charges.
Are you sober and curious? Van_Sober is open to anyone interested in living an alcohol-free lifestyle. Bonus if you’re in Vancouver, Canada, because they do meet-ups! Follow him on Facebook and get up-to-date links to virtual events happening online. We haven’t tried one yet, but it’s on our to-do list.
You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here with “The After Party”
So you woke up hungover, wearing one shoe, last night’s pizza crust doubling as your pillow. Wondering, ‘How did I get here again? There must be something more?’ Welcome to The After Party, a sobriety podcast that aims to answer the question: What happens when the party ends?
After spending the better part of two decades in various stages of inebriation, Big Kate and Little Kate (of Philadelphia’s The SoberKates) explore sobriety through the lens of two thirty-something women trying to leave their party girl pasts behind.
We have serious FOMO, so if we missed a really good one, we hope you’ll email us and tell us all about it at thesobercurator@gmail.com or DM us on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest.
Resources Are Available
If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.