Author: Harley Skorpenske

Harley is a passionate advocate for sobriety who has discovered a creative outlet in fashion. Through their unique sense of style, they inspire others to reconsider their relationship with alcohol and embrace the genuine confidence that sobriety offers, dispelling the false allure of alcohol-induced self-assurance. Harley's journey serves as a powerful reminder that true empowerment comes from within, not from a bottle.

Its 2024 and so many of us are scrambling to get our resolutions, our yearly words, our ins and outs, and just general life goals in line. As a fashion queen (yes, I just called myself a queen), I have spent the past few weeks reflecting on the forms of fashion I am putting out into the world. A very tough part of being a fashion content creator is trying to stay up with all the trends. Not only is it mentally exhausting, bad for the planet, but it can also really take a toll on one’s finances. And while…

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Taylor Swift’s ever-evolving fashion throughout her eccentric eras has been captivating. What’s remarkable is how her audience has transformed alongside her. Initially, she was embraced by innocent nine-year-old girls drawn to her catchy tunes and relatable lyrics. Fast forward to today, and her fan base has matured into a diverse crowd of 30+-year-old women capable of treating her concerts like adult outings. This evolution mirrors Taylor’s artistic growth, and it signifies her bond with her fans, who have navigated life’s twists and turns with her. Now, they attend her shows for the music and as an opportunity to savor an…

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As we get older, the quest for dopamine becomes more and more challenging. As little kids, pixie sticks and a Disney movie would give us the rush we needed, but adulthood presents us with overwhelming obstacles. Some expected, like bills and relationship struggles, and some unprecedented, like worldwide pandemics and politicians so divisive I had to mute half of my family on Facebook. The want and need to feel joy, excitement, and contentment is a part of the human experience. We want to feel good. We want to be happy. But sometimes life throws us curveballs that leads us to…

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Hey there, jet-setting teetotalers! As we gear up for the holiday hustle, it’s time to face the harsh reality that travel is about to become a major player in our lives. Whether you’re navigating the open road, riding the rails, or braving the skies, the journey can be tough. Now, for most people, airports are just a blip on the holiday radar – a necessary evil in the pursuit of festive joy. But for us champions of sobriety, airports are like the ultimate obstacle course filled with temptation at every turn. I mean, c’mon! Bars, cocktail-slinging restaurants, and duty-free stores…

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It’s Fall, Y’all! How sick are you of hearing that? Are you equipped with your pumpkin spice lattes, plaid, and some decorative item that reads “spooky season?” (I admit that I literally have all these things because I am basic.) Fall is fun and exciting because it visually represents change. No inner work needed! See those leaves? They are different colors now. You did it! You made it through another season. Despite the obvious differences in the seasons, Fall is also a time of transition, not just in terms of weather and scenery but also in our own personal journeys.…

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Less than a year ago, a woman and Sober Curator named Kate Vitela contacted me from the vibrant canvas of Sober Instagram. She had an intriguing proposition. She wrote a column in an online magazine highlighting sobriety and the role fashion can play in recovery. She wanted to interview me. *Cue imposter syndrome* We chatted on the phone, and she conjured an article that seemed to effortlessly encapsulate not just my essence but the story that had woven itself through the tapestry of my life- a tale of sobriety and sartorial splendor, an artful choreography of self-care. She contacted me…

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