Calling all 80’s kids….. it’s baaaack! How many of us still have The Karate Kid in our Top 10 Favorite Movies list? Who hasn’t been to a Halloween party with a group of guys dressed like this movie? Finally, 34 years later, we get more “wax on, wax off!” Lucky for us, the writers and producers of Cobra Kai are big fans. They absolutely did this sequel right by paying homage to past films throughout. What makes this series fun is that in addition to the original cast, we get the return of Mr. Miyagi’s yellow classic car, excellent 80’s jams, the multi-level ice block break, mini Bonsai trees, Miyagi Dojo, tricked-out Camaros, the Crane Kick, Cobra Kai Dojo, and of course, skeleton suits. It’s destined to be a hit for this alone.
We love almost everything about this Netflix series. Except, there is a big exception. Unfortunately, it is in the way alcoholism shows up. It’s prominent, constant, largely unaddressed, and treated like a punchline. We hate to be a downer on such an enjoyable show. But since we’re curators, it’s our job. As always, we want to be honest as we look at pop culture through the lens of addiction and recovery. Let’s unpack this a bit.
Through the lens of addiction and recovery
Season 3 has just been released, and Johnny Lawrence still drinks his emotions. Granted, people like a good comeback and constantly cheer for the underdog. This is what makes The Karate Kid series so loveable. But when people drink as Johnny does, there are only so many comebacks in the can. We may get nine lives, and we may not. However, in Cobra Kai, Johnny blackout drinks when he is mad, sad, or at a loss. He destroys his relationship with his wife and son, gets his ass kicked regularly by a variety of fellow boozehounds, and goes to jail a few times. While his drinking is excessive, it is mainly treated like a joke and just an accepted personality trait. Generally, when people abuse alcohol in this way, much more severe consequences occur immediately or eventually. And as we learn, there is no getting around this.
Johnny cycles through his ups and downs. He overcomes an obstacle and starts to get his life together. Then, something else happens, and he’s back at the bottom of the bottle. We wish that Johnny would use his Karate to release stress and work through his emotions. We’d like him to wake up one day, realize his self-worth, and understand what he has to offer his students. Then, he would put the bottle down—for good.
Holding out hope for Johnny
It is said many times that being in recovery for any length of time ruins your drinking. We want this for Johnny. We realize being in recovery also heightens awareness and sensitivity to how drinking is portrayed in society. While the portrayal of drinking in Cobra Kai is somewhat disappointing, it is also real—many circle the bottom of the bottle for months and even years before getting help. We wish the excessive drinking would be taken seriously by Johnny, his family, and his friends. But it isn’t, and this is the culture we live in. While it’s sad to see, it’s not detrimental. And it is not enough to make us stop watching. It just points to the need for more education around addiction. And we’re still rooting for the underdog and hoping that Johnny gains a shift in perspective.
On the flip side, Daniel LaRusso drinks normally and socially like a champ—the All Valley Karate Champ. He and his wife have casual cocktails as they schmooze through the country club scene. Daniel is all grown up in Cobra Kai, and things with him are just as you would expect. He has a beautiful wife, kids who are in karate, a successful business, and the Miyagi Dojo.
Danial LaRusso is still the All-Valley Karate Champ.
Let’s set the scene for Cobra Kai. We are now in season 3 but don’t worry, the road to the newly resurrected All Valley Tournament has just begun. You knew that was coming, so this isn’t a spoiler. Thirty-four years after Daniel defeated Johnny in the All Valley to become the champion, Daniel and Johnny ran into each other in a crazy set of coincidences. This sets off the long-time rivalry. They both resurrect their dojos, recruit students, and start training for the tournament.
This legendary rivalry rages on and is passed down to their kids. Although the plot is extremely predictable, it is so totally rad for 8o’s kids like us to see our favorite karate stars again. Cobra Kai is full of flashbacks, emotion, and humor. It’s a fantastic ride overall and binge-worthy. But the best thing is that we will soon have a brand-new generation running around in karate outfits, wearing bandanas while trying to do the “Crane Kick.”
The Mindful Binge Sobees Score 3 out of 5

Fun fact about Officer Cody
Fun Fact: I dated a Cobra Kai cast member. I was shocked to see one of my high school boyfriends in S3 Episode 6. And even more surprised to see him acting as a police officer. But this is another story for another time. Or never. He told me that Ralph Macchio is everything we’d want him to be: super chill and nice. He failed to ask him about Ponyboy or what it was like being on the cover of Tiger Beat every other week. Darn it! Maybe next time. Or never.
For what to watch next, check out Movie Night with the Sober Curator
A Disco Ball is Hundreds of Pieces of Broken Glass, Put Together to Make a Magical Ball of Light. You are NOT Broken, Friend. You are a DISCO BALL!

Resources Are Available
If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.