Author: Kelly Blieden

Kelly is a writer in the mornings, banker during the day, believer of magic in the night, and a cycle breaker 24/7.

For some odd reason I have been thinking about this Keep On Truckin’ t-shirt I had in the late 70’s during the heyday of the roller-skating era. I had it made at the mall, at a store called Shirt Barn where all the cool kids went. I remember waiting while they put the decal on the front of the shirt and my name on the back. I wore that shirt every Saturday to the USA Roller Rink. All I needed was that t-shirt, my skates, and a disco ball to make me happy. And a ride. I needed a ride. …

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Two and half years ago I quit drinking. I noticed my sleep got better, I had more energy, my anxiety went down, and all the other annoying things that non drinkers brag about to their friends that still drink. All of those things really did happen, but that’s not what this post is about. It’s about garbage. I figured since I could quit drinking and had more time on my hands I could do other things I’m interested in like running, yoga, writing, reading, and binge watching TV. I also started walking my dogs more, and because I was also…

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