Staying motivated and focused on sobriety can be challenging for people who are struggling with addiction or in recovery. Fortunately, many resources are available to help individuals maintain their sobriety and build a positive, fulfilling life in recovery. One such resource that has gained popularity in recent years is sober podcasts. These podcasts offer a wealth of information, inspiration, and support for individuals in recovery or anyone seeking sober life.
In recent years, there has been an increase in male-hosted sober podcasts that offer a unique perspective on addiction and recovery. These podcasts are typically hosted by men who have personally experienced addiction or have a loved one who has struggled with addiction. They offer candid discussions about their journey towards sobriety, along with practical advice and insights on how to navigate the challenges of recovery. Male-hosted sober podcasts also provide a space for men to connect with each other and share their experiences in a supportive and non-judgmental environment. Whether you’re a man in recovery or seeking to support someone who is, these podcasts can be a valuable resource for gaining insight, inspiration, and motivation to stay sober.
9 Sober Podcasts to Add to your Playlist Right Now!

Sober Champs
Hosted by: @rudy_rude206 & @petethe206cat
We are here to share the stories of people on the recovery journey or have been affected by addiction.
Follow them on IG at @soberchampspodcast
Check them out on Sober Champs | Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon, and YouTube

Redeem Yourself Podcast
Hosted by: Jarrod Collier @strengthintime
Join Jarrod and his friends as they reflect on their days in addiction and their growth/challenges in recovery.
Follow on IG @redeemyourselfpodcast
Check him out on Redeem Yourself Podcast | Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube
strengthintime | Instagram, Facebook | Linktree
Sober is Dope!
Hosted by: Pop Buchanan @popbuchanan, @soberisdope
Transform your life from addiction to sobriety with the Sober is Dope revolution! Author of the Sober is Dope Book, POP Buchanan, a 10-year sober and recovered alcoholic, will blow your mind with his holistic approach to recovery, including therapy, rehab, AA, prayer, and Meditation. With over 350 game-changing episodes and world-class guests, get ready to be inspired with practical spiritual tools. Quit booze and smoking; reverse pre-diabetes, just as POP did. Don’t miss out on the most impactful addiction recovery content out there. Tune in to the Sober is Dope podcast now! #sobriety
Check him out on Sober is Dope! | Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon, and YouTube.
Sober Curator Pro Tip: We heart Pop! So much so that we created a section on our site just for him! SOBER IS DOPE Archives « The Sober Curator
Friend Request with Justin Lamb
Hosted by: Justin Lamb @justinlambmusic, @friendrequestpod
Justin Lamb has in-depth interviews with interesting people. Friend Request dives deeper than the usual surface banter and tries to create a more meaningful conversation about the individual, tying in commonalities and struggles that are not only extremely relatable but also fall across the entire spectrum of the human experience.
*Please note that this is not a sober podcast. However, during Dry January, Justin published a sober series of episodes interviewing sober friends, and he frequently refers to his recovery journey.
Check him out Friend Request | Podcast on Spotify and Apple Podcasts
Sober Curator Pro Tip: Justin is also one of our Sober Curators, and you must check out his NA Craft Beer Reviews – he’s done over 100+ of them! Non-Alcoholic Craft Beer Reviews by Sober Curator Justin Lamb (thesobercurator.com)
That Sober Guy Podcast
Hosted by: Shane Ramar @thatsoberguypodcast
In 2014, after a 17-year struggle with alcohol, Shane Ramer started That Sober Guy Podcast to help bring awareness to an issue that over 90 million men in the US struggle with. That Sober Guy is a top-rated podcast with over 2 million listers and helps thousands of men quit drinking. For more information, go to www.ThatSoberGuy.com
Check him out on That Sober Guy Podcast | Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon, and YouTube.
Dopey Podcast
Hosted by: Dave @dopeypodcast
The podcast about Addiction and Dumb Shit! Dopey Podcast is the world’s greatest podcast on drugs, addiction and dumb shit. Chris and Dave were two IV heroin addicts who loved to talk about all the coke they smoked, snorted, and shot, all the pills they ate, smoked, all the weed they smoked and ate, all the booze they consumed, and all the consequences they suffered.
After making the show for two and a half years, Chris tragically relapsed and died from a fentanyl overdose. Dopey continued on, at first to mourn the horrible loss of Chris, but then to continue their mission – which was, at its core, to keep addicts and alcoholics company. Whether to laugh at our time in rehab or cry at the worst missteps we made, Dopey tells the truth about drugs, addiction, and recovery.
The Dopey podcast continually mines the universe for stories rife with debauchery and highlights serious drug-taking and alcoholism. They also examine different paths toward addiction recovery. The Dopey Podcast shines a light on harm reduction and medication-assisted treatment. They talk with celebrities and nobodies and stockpile stories to be the greatest one-stop shop podcast on all things drugs, addiction, recovery, and comedy!
Check them out Dopey: On the Dark Comedy of Drug Addiction | Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon, and YouTube.
Dopey Podcast website
Since Right Now Podcast
Hosted by: Jeff, Matt, and Chris @since.right.now
The Podcast Your Sponsor Warned You About™ is an addiction recovery podcast that has been called entertaining, thoughtful, insightful, welcoming, authentic, disappointing, dismissive, ignorant, and a bunch of wasted time.
Hosted by The Indie Darlings of Recovery Podcasting™ Jeff & Matt & Chris
Rx-Strength Recovery™ We may not be the recovery podcast for you.
Check them out Since Right Now | Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon, and Google.
Recovery Elevator Podcast
Hosted By: Paul Churchill @recoveryelevator
After years of failed attempts to control my drinking, on September 7th, 2014, I made the decision to quit drinking alcohol. That decision turned out to be the best decision I’ve ever made.
Check him out Recovery Elevator | Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon, and YouTube.
Website: Alcohol Recovery Podcast | Recovery Elevator Podcast
Don’t Touch My Mindset Podcast
Hosted by: Jay Chase @thejaychase
Hi, I’m Jay Chase. I believe life is 100% mindset. So this podcast is designed to uplift, inspire, and motivate you, but most importantly, share tools to protect that mindset! We are always under attack, whether that’s by our own trauma, everyday thoughts, negative habits, or even other people’s poisons!
Here, we will dissect different philosophies I have learned throughout my journey and implemented in my daily life. From books I’ve read to principles I stand on and sharing personal experiences, life can be an amazing journey with the right tools!
Sober Curator Pro Tip: Jay is also one of our Sober Curators and you can check out his section of the site HERE.
Check him out Don’t Touch My Mindset | Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Amazon, and YouTube.
Website Don’t Touch My Mindset (donttouchmymindset.com)

RECOVERY PODCASTLAND: 37 Inspirational, Entertaining, & Binge-Worthy Recovery Podcasts

#ADDTOCART: 21 Cool Sobriety-Themed Gift Ideas To Celebrate The Sober Dads In Your Life
A Disco Ball is Hundreds of Pieces of Broken Glass, Put Together to Make a Magical Ball of Light. You are NOT Broken, Friend. You are a DISCO BALL!

Resources Are Available
If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.