Author: Niki Szenasi

Niki is a NYC based Wellness Coach, Behavior Change Specialist and Personal Trainer When not working, she enjoys cooking healthy and delicious recipes, reading a good book or relaxing watching her favorite TV shows

Despite what society wants you to believe, being overwhelmed and burnt out isn’t normal and no, not all the cool kids are doing it. Being burnt out can have a negative effect on our health. It can cause elevated stress, insomnia, depression, memory issues, increased irritability, weakened immune system, and lack of productivity, just to name a few. Who knew that trying to overwhelm yourself with more tasks can actually yield opposite results! Before you know it, you’re snapping at your loved ones, can’t remember where you left your glasses (have you checked the top of your head?) and your…

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Self-trust is one of the most important parts of healing and growth. For us to move forward, we first have to trust that we are safe outside of our comfort zones. As trauma survivors, as people in recovery, as human beings, we all need to feel safe. Safety is important for our survival; it’s innate in all of us. When we go through a traumatic experience, it can cause us to feel like we can’t trust the world around us, and sometimes, not even ourselves. We live our lives in our small bubble, in survival mode. But for us to…

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I spent the past 12 months experiencing life without alcohol. While addiction isn’t a part of my story, I never truly realized what big role alcohol played in my life and the lives around me until I decided to give it up. The original plan was to do Dry January as solidarity to my friends in recovery and a challenge to myself. Every once in a while, I like to do challenges…I always discover new things about myself. Most of them are mental challenges, and interestingly enough, I learned that I’m much better at not doing something I want to…

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What’s with the “all or nothing mentality” and why is it so important for us to get out of it? Like seriously, we need to Taylor Shift this right now. (Aka Shake it Off!) We are all familiar with the term “Go hard or go home.” But, why does it have to be one or the other? When it comes to sobriety, it’s a no-brainer…you worked hard to get to where you are, and completely abstaining from alcohol is now your way of life. Hopefully, it’s one you choose every day, one day at a time. You rock, keep up…

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Even under normal circumstances (no COVID) the holidays can bring on some serious stress for many. Between seeing (or not seeing) extended family, and not always making the best food choices, it’s no wonder anxiety is through the roof over the holiday season. Throw a global pandemic into the equation, and you got yourself a down-right sh*tshow. Certain things like your grandma telling the same story for the gazillionth time or your parents arguing over how to properly carve a turkey are out of your control. But there are things you can control and prepare for. Setting yourself up for…

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