Author: Megan Swan

Megan Swan is an expert at holding intuitive compassionate space for people. She loves to inspire others to live life to fullest and expand their vision of what they are capable of. She also loved dancing on top of the bar, now she just does that on Instagram.

Clarity is power. You are a powerful being when you are crystal fucking clear on what you want and what you don’t want to waste your time and energy on. I started drinking when I was 17. This month I’m turning 43. 4 years ago last month, I got sober. So that adds up to approximately half my life. I have lived in a state of clear thinking, and for half my life, I lived seeking numbness. Which, of course, mainly led to shame, guilt, depression, and fogging decision making, albeit there were a few moments of clarity amongst the…

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After being sober for several months, this was at the end of 2018, one of the voices in my head pointed out, “well if we are going to do this half-marathon thing we should do it before we turn 40”, the idea was loosely planted but I hadn’t committed yet. I decided to let it linger on hold until after Christmas and see how the new year felt. Sure enough, coming back from vacation the idea was starting to grow into a plan, that yes I can and I should rise to my challenge! But, where? So I started searching…

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I bet you have heard that you should cut down on screen time, but I would argue it is more about what you are consuming on the screen than the amount of time per se. Sure, I love social media too sometimes, but I am increasingly aware of not only the time spent but also what I am watching/reading/listening to because it is what impacts our physical, emotional and mental state on the day to day. If you are doing weekly (or nightly!) Netflix binges, then maybe reconsider, you might be digging yourself in a wormhole. How about curating your…

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No, seriously. One of the biggest trends I see going into 2022 is helping people learn to trust their animal instincts around what is best for them. We are the only animal on the planet with a multi-billion industry telling us what we should eat. Why don’t we KNOW like every other animal on the earth? Well, in short, because that doesn’t make anyone, or at least a lot fewer people, any money. It is a process of peeling back the layers of nonsense we have been told to put into our bodies, take a step back, and tune into…

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