Josh James, a career bartender, took a year off drinking to see what would happen. His result was realizing his full potential and reviewing NA Beverages as Josh the Non-Alcoholic on YouTube and Instagram. After creating 30 videos, he walked into a deli establishment that happened to be closing in 1 week. 3 months later and 11 months into being a non-drinker, Josh opened Ocean Beach Cafe to build the largest non-alcoholic beverage selection in the country! The response has been massive in the booming industry as he continues to take this ride to the moon!
Instagram: @joshthenonalcoholic Website: oceanbeachcafe.com
Follow along with Mei McIntosh in all of the digital spaces and places
Support + Follow The Creative Sober – Hosted by Mei McIntosh
Join The Creative Sober Community
The Creative Sober Podcast – Authentic conversations about being an artist on the sober spectrum
Produced by: Joel Swift and Mei McIntosh

JOIN THE CREATIVE SOBER COMMUNITY! Creating with clear inspiration

The Creative Sober Podcast, hosted and produced by Mei McIntosh, is shared conversations with artists, musicians, authors, and creatives alike from all walks of life who continue to create sober. Check back for more podcasts, posts, and playlists from DJ Missing Mei, and follow along with her on Instagram at @thecreativesober.
Check out additional posts from DJ Missing Mei:
- Healing Through Art – Interview with Alli Bratt, Season One Episode 2
- Sober Spotlight: The Creative Sober + DJ Missing Mei
- Sober Sounds Different, an Interview with DJ KB
- Turning Why Into Wisdom – Interview with POP Buchanan, Sober Is Dope!
- Lush Is Part Of It – Interview with Jardine Libaire, The Sober Lush
- A Lifetime Begins – Interview with Alysse Bryson
- Duality and Art – Interview with Cate Blanchard, The Sober Painter
- Sober Women of Rock Series: Interview with Leah Martin-Brown + Single “Burning in Silence”
- Voice of Reason – Interview with Juniper Waller + Band Single “Got It”
- Higher Power Help – Interview with CALVIN “The Prince of R&Bay” + Single “Changes”
- Interview with Ranger Sauce + Single “Gambler’s Road”
- Interview With Sabrina John

Resources Are Available
If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.