Arlina Allen, Host of the One Day at a Time Podcast and Founder of the Sober Life School brings you the ultimate resource guide that is perfect for the first 100 days in recovery. Sober Curator Pro Tip: Even if you’ve been sober longer, you are still going to love this list!

- A Sober Girls Guide Podcast
- Addiction Unlimited
- Busy Living Sober Podcast
- Connected Calm Life
- Courage to Change
- Dopey
- Hello Someday
- Keeping It Friel
- Life in Recovery
- Love Sober
- Positive Recovery MD
- Recovery Elevator
- Recovery Happy Hour
- Rehab Confidential
- Seltzer Squad
- She Recovers
- Sober Curious
- Sober Speak
- Soberful
- The Sober Guy
- The Addicted Mind
- The Bubble Hour
- The Funky Brain Podcast
- One Day at a Time Podcast
- The Recovery Diaries
- The Way Out
- This Naked Mind

- A Course In Miracles
- A New Earth: Awakening Your Life’s Purpose – Eckart Tolle
- A New Pair of Glasses – Chuck Chamberlain
- Save Your Own Damn Life: A Do It Yourself Self-Help book
- Addicted to the Monkey Mind: Change the Programming That Sabotages Your Life
- Aiming High: How a Prominent Sports and Celebrity Agent Hit Bottom at the TOP by Darren Prince
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself, Dr. Joe Dispenza
- Cold Turkey: How to Quit Drinking by Not Drinking by Mishka Shubaly
- Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead, Brene Brown
- Drinking: A Love Story, by Caroline Knapp
- A Memoir of Drinking, Relapse, and Recovery and How She Got Her Last Day One, by Erica Barnett
- Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown
- Girl Walks Out of a Bar: A Memoir, Lisa Smith
- Unpickled: Prepare To Be Alcohol-Free by Jean McCarthy
- In The Realm of Hungry Ghosts by Dr. Gabor Mate
- Last Call: A Memoir by Nancy Carr
- Love Yourself Sober: A Self Care Guide to Alcohol-Free Living, by Kate Baily and Many Manners
- Sober Curious: The Blissful Sleep, Greater Focus, Limitless Presence, and Deep – Connection Awaiting Us All on the Other Side of Alcohol
- My Fair Junkie, A Memoir of Getting Dirty and Staying Clean by Amy Dresner
- Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle
- Radical Self-Acceptance by Tara Brach
- Recovery, Freedom From Our Addictions by Russell Brand
- Return to Love – Marianne Williamson
- Seat of the Soul – Gary Zukav
- Stroke of Sobriety: The essential daily guide to embracing the suck of sobriety in your first year
- Secret Life of a Hollywood Sex & Love Addict: A Seductively Wild Ride to Self-Love, by Brianne Davis
- Super Attractor: Methods for Manifesting a Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams, by Gabby Bernstein
- The Irreverent Grief Guide: How to F*cking Survive Months 1-3, by Elizabeth Kupferman
- The Miracle Morning for Addiction Recovery: Letting Go of Who You’ve Been for Who You Can Become Hal Elrod, Joe Polish, Anna David
- The Road Less Traveled: A New Psychology of Love, Values, and Spiritual Growth, 25th Anniversary Edition, by M. Scott Peck
- The Sober Diaries: How One Woman Stopped Drinking and Started Living by Claire Pooley
- The Sober Lush: A Hedonist’s Guide to Living a Decadent, Adventurous, Soulful Life – Alcohol-Free
- The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober, Discovering a Happy, Healthy, Wealthy Alcohol-Free Life, by Catherine Gray
- This Naked Mind, Control Alcohol, Find Freedom, Discover Happiness and Change Your Life by Annie Grace
- Transcending Trauma, Beverly Sartain
- Untamed by Glennon Doyle
- We Are the Luckiest: The Surprising Magic of a Sober Life, by Laura McKowen
- You Are Not Alone: How to get your life back when there is a drug or alcohol problem

- The One Day At A Time Women’s Group
- 12 Steps The Solution AA
- Fear is a Liar
- Transitions Daily
- Recovery is Possible
- Sober is Gangster
- The Recovery Movement
- Twelve Step Fellowship
- Clean & Sober That’s What’s Up
- Sober Nation Addiction Support
- AA
- Chicago Hope Dealers
- Sober Journey
- Women in Recovery
- The Sober Curator
- The Designated Driver
- Sober Pay It Forward
- Sober and Serious
- Sobriety and Beyond
- Recovery 2.0 Global Community
- SoberSquad
- Parenting Sober
- Sober is the New High
- Sobriety 101
- Sisters in Sobriety
- Sober Evolution

About Arlina Allen
There was a time when I thought I was just a fun party girl. To say I was proud of the fact that I could drink men twice my size under the table was an understatement. For a long time, I had A LOT of fun. There were lots of wild nights, lots of men, lots of crazy stories…
My tagline: If it was in a bottle, a bag, or blue jeans, I was doin’ it! My story really begins on April 23, 1994, my first clean and sober day, when I finally admitted that I had to stop using everything, including weed.
I had already stopped drinking alcohol. It had been five months, but I just couldn’t stop smoking weed. I finally admitted I was powerless over that, too. It was hard enough to let go of the drinking, but after repeated humiliations, lost friendships, and more lost relationships than I can count, I began to question my drinking. I finally asked the question:
Am I an alcoholic?
This one simple yet painful question led me to another, then another, and another. Soon, I was on a journey of self-discovery that would transform not only my identity but also the entire trajectory of my life. It took me two years of experimenting, research, about 1,000 self-help books, and lots and lots of pain and frustration, but the undeniable answer was
Yes, I was an alcoholic and an addict.
Like I started out saying, that wasn’t the end of the story; it was just the beginning. Since that day, I have found a new freedom and a new happiness. The woman I am today is unrecognizable from the young scared girl who was so lost and hopeless. I have been together with the love of my life since 1994. We have two amazing boys who have never seen me loaded. I have a wealth of friends and have had a successful career in High Tech Sales for the biggest companies in Silicon Valley.
What I am most grateful for is that I have discovered a hidden talent, a gift, for helping other women out of suffering and into peaceful, joyful, abundant lives. I have learned that there are no real secrets, just simple actions based on ancient teachings, proven strategies, spiritual principles, studies in neuroscience, and the stories of millions of people who have overcome similar life-threatening conditions. All that is required is willingness, a guide, and the right action steps.
If you are ready to let go of what’s holding you back and step into your confident future self, I’d love to help.
Speak Out Speak Loud is a space echoing Madonna’s call to “Express yourself!” This is where our readers and contributors take center stage, sharing their transformative sobriety journeys. Often, sobriety uncovers hidden talents, abilities, and new avenues of self-expression. By sharing these stories, we not only facilitate personal healing but also offer hope to those still navigating the path of recovery. So, let’s raise our voices, Speak Out, and Speak Loud! In doing so, we combat the silence that often shrouds addiction, offering solace and inspiration.
We invite you to share your unique expressions of recovery here—be it through videos, poems, art, essays, opinion pieces, or music. We can’t wait to hear from you! Please email us at thesobercurator@gmail.com or DM us on social!
Disclaimer: All opinions expressed in the Speak Out! Speak Loud! Section are solely the opinions of the contributing author of each individual published article and do not reflect the views of The Sober Curator, their respective affiliates, or the companies with which The Sober Curator is affiliated.
The Speak Out! Speak Loud! posts are based upon information the contributing author considers reliable. Still, neither The Sober Curator nor its affiliates, nor the companies with which such participants are affiliated, warrant its completeness or accuracy, and it should not be relied upon as such.

Resources Are Available
If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.