Hi Sober Warriors! Analisa Six here to bring you the Astrology forecast and Horoscopes for February 2025! Click HERE to check out the playlist, or keep scrolling. Dates to be aware of: I also offer 1:1 Astrology and Tarot mentorship, readings, and consultations. Email analiassix@ladyofleosure.com to book with me! Peace and Love, Analisa Aries What does self-love and independence mean to you? Taurus What is your relationship to community and the work you do in the world? Gemini Where can you be more open to learning new things during this time? Cancer What work are you doing around your relationship to finances…
Author: Analisa Six
Hi Sober Warriors! Analisa Six here to bring you the Astrology forecast and Horoscopes for December 2024. Dates to be aware of: I also offer 1:1 Astrology and Tarot mentorship, readings, and consultations. Email analiassix@ladyofleosure.com to book with me! Peace and Love, Analisa December 2024 Sober Horoscopes Aries Does your lifestyle align with your values? Taurus Change is the only constant; how do you embrace it? Gemini How is your communication impacting your relationships? Cancer How does your daily routine support your health and wellness? Leo How do you stay inspired when you feel dull? Virgo How do you set…
Hi Sober Warriors! Analisa Six is here to bring you the Astrology forecast and Horoscopes for November 2024. The holidays are fast approaching, so let’s get into it! November 2024 Astrology Forecast Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces SPIRITUAL GANGSTER: Welcome to the ‘Spiritual Gangster’ wing of The Sober Curator, a haven for those on a sober journey with a twist of spiritual sass. Here, we invite you to plunge headfirst into a world of meditation, astrology, intentionality, philosophy, and spiritual reflection – all while keeping your feet (and sobriety) firmly on the ground.
Hello Sober Warriors! Resident Astrologer Analisa is here to shed some light on the history of alcohol, the “why” behind alcohol, and its relationship to its alter ego, “spirits.” There is no better time to reflect on this subject than when the veil between worlds begins to thin, and we approach one of my favorite times of the year: Samhain, Halloween, Halloween, and Dia de los Muertos! You may ask, why talk about alcohol on a platform focused on sobriety? I genuinely believe most of us who are sober are not sober because we dislike alcohol. We are sober because we loved alcohol. We love…
Hi Sober Warriors! Analisa Six here to bring you the Astrology forecast and Horoscopes for October 2024. I apologize for getting these out late to you all; October has been a busy month for this Leo. I wish you all a wonderful, spooky season. October is busy!! Dates to be aware of: I also offer 1:1 Astrology and Tarot mentorship, readings, and consultations. Email analiassix@ladyofleosure.com to book with me! Peace and Love, Analisa October 2024 Astrology Forecast OCTOBER HOROSCOPES Make sure to watch your Sun and Rising videos Aries How do you work through challenging issues within your relationships, home,…
Hi Sober Warriors! Analisa Six here to bring you the Astrology forecast and Horoscopes for September 2024. SEPTEMBER HOROSCOPES OVERVIEW. Make sure to watch your Sun and Rising videos. Dates to be aware of: I also offer 1:1 Astrology and Tarot mentorship, readings, and consultations. Email analiassix@ladyofleosure.com to book with me! Peace and Love, Analisa Aries How can you prioritize what needs to be done and adequately give to yourself and your relationships? Taurus Vulnerability in communication will be a central theme this month. Gemini Money, Work, Networking – Your fave! Cancer Problem-solving and creative communication are a theme for…
Hi Sober Warriors! Analisa Six here to bring you the Astrology forecast and Horoscopes for August 2024. Dates to be aware of: I also offer 1:1 Astrology and Tarot mentorship, as well as readings and consultations. Email analiassix@ladyofleosure.com to book with me! Peace and Love, Analisa PS: AUGUST HOROSCOPES – Make sure to watch your Sun and Rising videos Aries What lights your fire? Taurus Where do you find joy? Gemini Get grounded in what makes you feel at home Cancer Problem-solving and creative communication are themes for you this month. Leo Happy Birthday! It is your season! Virgo Happy…
Hi Sober Warriors! Analisa Six brings you the Astrology forecast and Horoscopes for July 2024. Dates to be aware of: Starting in June, the Sun, Venus, and Mercury are in the cardinal water sign of Cancer, Mars and Uranus are in the fixed earth sign of Taurus, Jupiter is in the mutable air sign of Gemini, Saturn, and Neptune are in the mutable waters of Pisces, and Pluto is in the fixed air sign of Aquarius. I also offer 1:1 Astrology and Tarot mentorship, readings, and consultations. Email analiassix@ladyofleosure.com to book with me! Peace and Love, Analisa July 2024 Astrology…
Hi Sober Warriors! Analisa Six here to bring you the Astrology forecast and Horoscopes for June 2024. I write to you today, June 6th, when there is an auspicious New Moon in the mutable air sign of Gemini. Gemini is the third sign of the Zodiac and rules our relationship to communication, learning, and perspective. In Gemini, we learn to see duality and differences as something that enriches our lives and relationships with ourselves and others. New Moon’s are a positive time to set intentions around what we wish to cultivate in the weeks moving forward. Dates to be aware…
Greetings, Sober Warriors, May the 4th be with you all, all month long! Finally, Mercury is no longer retrograde! Do you feel the cosmic shifts? You should! According to astrology, May is one of the most auspicious months of the year, but it definitely requires us to take action and heed the call when opportunity opens up for us. Divine prayer with divine action has been a reflection point for me during these cosmic shifts. Where intention goes, energy flows. Cosmic energies to make note of: Blessings and Prosperity to you all, Analisa Six May 2024 Astrology Forecast – The…
Hi Sober Warriors! Analisa Six here to bring you the Astrology forecast and Horoscopes for the month of April. I am sad to say that April is not an easy month. However, the work that is required of us and the challenges we endure this month will set us up for success come May if we humble ourselves and heed the call towards internal growth that is being asked of us during this turbulent transitional period. We start this chaotic month with Mercury stationing retrograde on April 1st at 27 degrees in the cardinal fire sign of Aries. Mercury retrogrades…
Hola Sober Warriors! And just like that, I am back to bring you the March 2024 Astrology forecast and Horoscopes. Hi everyone! My life took a big dump in November of 2023, and I am here picking up the pieces of my shattered heart by diving in headfirst and offering you the Astro tea once again through my personal YouTube channel and The Sober Curator. Without getting into the messy details, SO much of my life has changed. I am now single, living in Hollywood, and offering Tarot and Astrology readings again! WHAT? Yeah, I know, it shocks me probably…
Welcome to Gratitude Month Sober Warriors! I’m so grateful for those of you that have followed this column for the last three years. And if you’re new here, welcome! Normally, this monthly column starts off with an intro from me, Analisa Six. Life got a little too life-ie for me this month, so I’m going to keep this short and sweet. I encourage you to watch the intro video to the November 2023 Soberscopes and then locate the specific video for your astrological sign. Be well! November 2023 Sober Horoscopes by Analisa Six ARIES TAURUS GEMINI CANCER LEO VIRGO LIBRA…
Happy October Sober Warriors! WOW, was September a doozy? Did anyone else have maybe one of the weirdest and worst summers of their life, or was it just me? Okay, perhaps I am being a little dramatic, as some positive things happened in August and September, but man, was I pushed over the edge in many ways. I apologize for not getting the September sobercast out to you all. I went on so many trips this summer, and the week I was going to record September’s videos, I came down with the evil COVID-19. T’was my second time having it,…
Hi Sober Warriors! Analisa Six here to bring you the August 2023 Horoscopes for your Sun and rising placements. I apologize for getting these videos out late, August feels like quite the roller coaster of a month already in these parts, let me know in the comments how it’s been for you! Highlights of the month: Love, Peace, and Good Health for you, Analisa Six August 2023 Forecast Video ARIES TAURUS GEMINI CANCER LEO VIRGO LIBRA SCORPIO SAGITTARIUS CAPRICORN AQUARIUS PISCES
Hi Sober Warriors! Analisa Six here to bring you the July 2023 Horoscopes for your Sun and rising placements. This month we have a lot of opportunities to get in touch with who we are on a soul level and what drives us in our creative endeavors and passion projects. On the flip side, if we aren’t actively engaging with life in an active way and intentionally working more joy and fun into the schedule, there is an equal opportunity to feel slow, uninspired, depressed, or on the brink, if not fully immersed in an existential crisis. I hope this month’s…
Greetings Sober Warriors! Analisa Six here to give you your Soberscopes for June! Happy birthday to the June Geminis and Cancer babies out there! This month starts feeling a bit chaotic with a full Moon in Sagittarius on the 3rd and a Mercury conjunction to Uranus on the4th. Venus leaves Cancer on the 5th and joins fiery Mars in the fixed sign of Leo, where she will be until October! We may be feeling like it’s hard to get a grasp on reality this month, but there’s a lot of opportunity for us to tap into our imagination and get some…
Holy Mercury Retrograde Batman, it’s May! Analisa, your resident astrologer here to bring you your monthly Astrology forecast and individual Horoscope for Sun and Rising placements. If you felt like this month got off to a rocky start, you are not alone. We entered May deep in the middle of Mercury retrograde making a Cazimi to the Sun in Taurus, a Venus square to Neptune, shortly followed by a Lunar Eclipse in the spicy sign of Scorpio. While May not be feeling that great so far, I am happy to tell you it ends better than it began, so don’t…
Spring has Sprung! Analisa Six, your resident astrologer here to bring you Horoscopes for the month of April. If I were to use one word to describe April, it would be SPICY! Eclipse and Retrograde season are upon us which means it is time to buckle up for some astrological turbulence. Oh, and get your taxes done before the 18th. Mercury really ain’t playing around this month when it comes to finances. As always, I wish you all peace, love, and power for the month ahead and I hope you enjoy your Soberscope! April 2023 Forecast Video ARIES TAURUS GEMINI CANCER LEO…
Howdy Sober Warriors! We are in the throes of early March and I am here to bring you the tea on what the astrology of this month has in store for you. A few highlights worth mentioning in writing: Please watch the March forecast video for the full breakdown of this month, and then find your Sun and Rising signs and watch those videos for a more personalized synopsis on what the stars have in store for you! As always, peace, love and power, Analisa Six March 2023 Forecast Video ARIES TAURUS GEMINI CANCER LEO VIRGO LIBRA SCORPIO SAGITTARIUS CAPRICORN…
Happy February Sober Warriors! Is it just me or does it feel like we can actually breathe again now that Mercury, Mars, and Uranus are all no longer retrograde?! I definitely feel lighter. February is the first month since March 2022 that we are completely free of retrograde planets. This coming month is one of action while we are empowered by the planets to begin moving forward on some of the areas in life we previously have been experiencing hurdles and setbacks. I am enjoying the lighter energies that the first few days of February have already brought. As always,…
Happy New Year, Sober Warriors!! Happy birthday to the January Capricorn and Aquarius babies out there. It is officially 2023, and today already feels like an energetic reset. At least, it has been for me. I have spent my New Year’s Day cleaning, packing away all of my Christmas decorations, organizing my home, getting all these videos done for you, and trying to usher in some positive vibes. We start 2023 with some not-so-fun astrological energies influencing the mood and the sky. Mercury is retrograde in Capricorn, Mars is finishing out its retrograde in Gemini, Uranus is still retrograde in…
It is Sagittarius season and December! Happy birthday to the December Sagittarius and December Capricorn babies out there. I can’t believe we are at the end of 2022 already. This year went by fast, and honestly, I am grateful to have 2022 in the rearview of my life. What a weird year! How was 2022 for you? Let me know in the comments! I have learned a lot in 2022 about how I wish to show up for my community, and I am enjoying this new video format quite a bit. A quick overview of the month ahead: This month,…
Happy Holidays Sober Warriors! Analisa Six, your resident astrologer here to help you find some last minute gifts this season. Shopping for loved ones can be a challenge this time of year, which is why I always rely on the art astrology to help me out when finding the best gifts for my family and friends! While I was searching around the web I stumbled upon some pretty amazing and hilarious gifts I have never heard of nor seen before. Now I am wanting a bunch of stuff I don’t need…..which is nothing new. I took the time to curate…
Greetings Sober Warriors, Analisa Six, your resident Astrologer here to give you horoscopes for November 2022. Due to some recent changes in my life, I will now be bringing you these Sober Horoscopes on a monthly basis (again). Exciting! Let’s get to it! Please watch the video for your Sun sign as well as your rising sign as Horoscopes are calculated using the sign in the rising position. Enjoy! INTRODUCTION TO NEW (MONTHLY) VIDEO HOROSCOPES: ARIES: TAURUS: GEMINI: CANCER: LEO: VIRGO: LIBRA: SCORPIO: SAGITARRIUS: CAPRICORN: AQUARIUS: PISCES:
Greetings Sober Warriors, Analisa Six, your resident Astrologer here to give you horoscopes for July and August 2022. I feel at a loss for words with the current events in our country. I guess since 2020 that hasn’t changed much. I tend to turn towards the stars when nothing makes sense to me, and while a lot still does not make sense to me, I feel there is wisdom in our own personal journey for how we grow during these times of strife. Being sober in a forever fast-paced and changing world continues to be challenging for a lot of…
Greetings, Sober Warriors; Analisa Six, your resident astrologer, to give you horoscopes for the last half of May and all of June 2022. During a powerful Lunar eclipse in Scorpio and Mercury retrograde season, I write these horoscopes for you. This particular eclipse portal of energy we are in has been incredibly challenging for our collective consciousness as a species. The world as we’ve known it is changing rapidly, and it can be tough to keep up with it all. This year, the eclipse axis is in Taurus and Scorpio, which are fixed energies. The major theme around this energy…
Spring is upon us! Greetings Sober Warriors, Analisa Six your resident Astrologer here to give you horoscopes for the months of March and April. The beginning of this year is already off to a chaotic start. The Sober Curator IG account was hacked and held hostage, a handful of people in my life passed away all within days of each other, Russia ignited a war with Ukraine, and to be honest it just feels like this pandemic life is still a bit too much at times, despite how “normal” it has become. In a world full of so much uncertainty,…
Happy New Year Sober Warriors! Analisa, your resident astrologer, is back to bring you a brand-spankin’ new astrology column. I took the last two months of 2021 off to finish my dog training certification program. Big news! I am now officially a Certified Training Behavior Consultant. It feels great to have that certification under my belt. It had been on my GOAL list for the last six years. Sober Curator Pro Tip: For more dets check out @ruffntuffdogs and ruffntuffdogwalking.com Over the last five years, I have been writing weekly and monthly astrology forecast articles. While I enjoy writing these…
This month’s Sobercast with Six is all about evaluating what friendships serve you and balancing high levels of optimism with realistic expectations. This is the perfect time to say goodbye to communication patterns that don’t serve you. Get comfy and settle in! Analisa Six, Resident Astrologer, Dog Whisperer, and Sober Curator brings us her Sober October 2021 Forecast of the weeks ahead. Autumn Greetings Sober Warriors! Welp, we are getting this month started in the midst of a Mercury retrograde cycle in Libra. I am sure by now most of you are over it. This is a period of time where relationships…