The Sober Curator

Book Review: ‘Make Your Bed’ by Admiral William H. McRaven – Insights on Recovery

When I walked into rehab, I had no idea that a simple task that THEY MADE ME DO would change the trajectory of my life.  For the first couple days at the facility, I was at they let you decompress and not have a daily unit chore BUT you did have to make your bed everyday and yes it was checked by staff.  I have no memory of my parents telling me to make my bed or even if I did before getting into recovery.

I remember thinking what a stupid thing that these people are making me do.  Why is making my bed important??  My rebellious nature wanted to leave my bed a crumpled mess but the voice in my head repeated over and over the best advice I was given before heading to treatment, “do everything they tell you to do, they know better than you.”

So every morning I made my bed and still do (for the most part) to this day, almost 18 years later.  I never thought about the why, I just knew my life was better when I did it.

A couple years ago, I did 75 Hard and one of the daily tasks is to read ten pages of non-fiction book.  That is where I was introduced to Make Your Bed by Admiral William H. McRaven.  I read the book and finally figured out why that simple task makes all the difference. This book offered me valuable insights into discipline, resilience, and personal responsibility. While the book doesn’t specifically focus on substance use recovery, its principles can be applied to support individuals in that journey. 

Here are my Takeaways:

As I read this book, I couldn’t help but chuckle at the practical advice on life’s challenges, all tied together with the central theme of, you guessed it, making your bed! When I finally realized why the treatment center made us make out beds it was like life had come full circle. Who knew that such a seemingly mundane task could be the launching pad for a day filled with triumphs and victories?

The Sobees Self-Help Club Score: 3 out of 5

Speech by Admiral McRaven

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. 

#QUITLIT is our curated list of addiction and recovery book reviews. All Sober Curator Contributors should be well-read, from addiction and recovery memoirs to fiction and self-help. You can also find us on Goodreads here. 

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A Disco Ball is Hundreds of Pieces of Broken Glass, Put Together to Make a Magical Ball of Light. You are NOT Broken, Friend. You are a DISCO BALL!

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If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.

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