With the cold weather coming, or maybe even already engulfing your local environment, it’s important to remember how much we can get a sense of warmth and a side of smiles with a yummy beverage. In addition, autumn brings with it some of the year’s favorite flavors, whether it’s pumpkin, chocolate, nutmeg, or just that classic roasted malt you have come to expect from your favorite brewery’s seasonal offering. With all that in mind, now is a great time to stock up on some of the best NA beers this season offers, and here they are!
#10 – Ted Seger’s Unleaded Regal Brew
New to the NA scene but backed by some high-power folks in the sober space, Ted Seger’s is the answer to your basic light beer or lager without getting those pesky macro breweries involved. So why is it on this list? Because it’s football season, and we all need an easy-drinking NA, we can have a few cans of it while we watch teams like the Detroit Lions pretend to be better than the year before!
- Website: tedsegers.com
- Instagram: @tedsegersbrew
#9 – Orange Peel Wit by Untitled Art
Still on the lighter side but brewed in the classic European style of a wit beer, this brew begs to be on this list with a blast of flavors fresh for fall. The orange peel mixes with a coriander and begins to remind you of your Thanksgiving table without crazy Aunt Donna there. This is a perfect way to dive into the season of flavor with a hint of the citrus you already miss from warmer weather.
- Website: drinkuntitled.com
- Instagram: @untitledartbev
#8 – Hellraiser Dark Amber by WellBeing Brewing
When 311 said the lyric “Amber is the color of my energy,” they were surely talking about Amber beer, and if they were still making hits today, I’m sure they would gravitate to this hit, as well. Hellraiser adds that spooky accent to an already very autumn-based beer. Light mouthfeel and dark, roasty notes make this a perfect brew for the season. You can drink some while chopping wood or enjoy a can while handing out candy!
- Website: wellbeingbrewing.com
- Instagram: @wellbeingbrewing
- NA BEERS & 90s Review: Hellraiser Dark Amber by WellBeing Brewing NA Beer Review (thesobercurator.com)
#7 – Pastry Porter by Surreal Brewing
There’s a dragon on the can and who doesn’t relate dragons to fall, right? In addition to that logic-based reasoning, this pastry porter will bring you into the kitchen to prep the pies and remind you of the class ingredients that go into your carb-based desserts for Turkey Day, like vanilla, lactose, and sugar. With a few hints of chocolate and cocoa, you’re all set for a dream holiday, even if that means you are alone with a pastry porter. You do you, boo!
- Website: surrealbrewing.com
- Instagram: @surrealbrewing
- NA BEERS & 90s Review: Surreal Brewing Pastry Porter, NA Craft Beer Review (thesobercurator.com)
#6 – Dark & Gourdy by Athletic Brewing
What could be better than a dark porter-style ale on a cold fall afternoon? How about one with your jack-o-lantern, except instead of you talking to a dying pumpkin on your porch while you drink your beer, the jack-o-lantern is in the beer! Much like how the files were on the computer in Zoolander. This one checks all the boxes: Roasted dark ale? Check. Pumpkins? Check. Spice? Check. All we’re missing is the candle from inside the pumpkin! Better keep an eye out on your stool! Happy Halloween!
- Website: athleticbrewing.com
- Instagram: @athleticbrewing
- NA BEERS & 90s Review: Athletic Brewing’s Dark and Gourdy Has Big Pumpkin Spice Flavor (thesobercurator.com)
#5 – Cosmos Peanut Butter Milk Stout by Atmos Brewing
In a survey done by someone at some point about something, they determined that peanut butter cups are the best candy to get on Halloween. With that in mind, I give you Cosmos! This brew is out there in space on Flavor Planet! The stout base has some excellent chocolate notes, and then add in the peanut butter, and you have a pending lawsuit from Reese’s, but in a good way. Get your sweet tooth this Halloween with a bevvie instead of a candy bar, or do what the great James Taylor did: have both.
- Website: atmosbrewco.com
- Instagram: @atmosbrewco
- NA BEERS & 90s Review: Let’s Address Dark VS Stout – Are They The Mysterious Ringer? (thesobercurator.com)