Welcome to the Classy Problems weekly mash-up for Monday, January 6, 2025 – Sunday, January 12, 2025
Classy Problems is a daily post of thinking in motion by Dan T. Rogers. Each post stands alone as a thought-provoking piece, yet together, they create a puzzle of ideas. They invite you to see things from a different angle, rethink what you thought you knew, and explore what’s beyond your current understanding.

January 6 – The Art of Capturing
Capturing turns ideas into reality by aligning thought, feeling, and action. It’s the bridge between imagining and actualizing.
What idea are you ready to bring to life?

January 7 – A Single Point of Sight
A point of view is not just the direction of our sight but where we are standing.
Where we stand is inside of an environment, and we can only see a fraction of it at any given moment.
The gift of our attention always has us focused on something — nothing is something when it comes to a point of view. It is a mental perspective informed by our worldview through which we interpret information, an emotional inclination that shapes preferences in context, and a physical orientation that influences our perception and interactions.
Where are you standing and what point has captured your attention?

January 8 – Attributes Impact Contribution
An attribute is more than just a defining element — it’s a key to understanding and shaping the identity of something. Attributes are the qualities we mentally recognize, emotionally value, and physically observe in concepts, emotions, and objects.
By identifying attributes, we gain clarity on how they contribute to a greater whole.
Without attributes, the whole would lack detail, depth, and clarity robbing us of the connection that provides meaning and purpose to what we interact with — and the opportunity to contribute to the whole.
What attributes impact your greater contribution?
PS …
Contribution is inevitable. Are you aware of yours and how it’s making an impact?
Our Intentional Impact Exercise begins the process of that awareness — complete the exercise HERE to start.

January 9 – Aligning What and Why
Function is what something does.
Purpose is why it exists.
How well does what you’re doing reflect your why?

January 10 – Dropping Pieces of Myself That Look Like Entire Trees
The other morning, I came into work to find a tree blocking my usual parking spot. A storm had come through the night before, knocking down several branches—and this tree. I got out, and as I was attempting to clear away the wreckage, it struck me. This wasn’t a whole tree. It was a branch. A branch from a much bigger tree. A storm came, and the weaker parts were ripped away as part of the process.
That’s been my experience with life. A storm comes through, and the weaker parts are removed—sometimes as abruptly as an overnight storm, other times more subtly—but the net effect is the same: the older parts are replaced with new ones. Eventually, I barely resembled a previous version of myself. The more progress I make, the bigger the pieces that get dropped, and it’s rarely a smooth or elegant process.
For those chasing Zen and a state of flow, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. But the world I live in—the universe I’m trying to align to—seems to trim and grow in ways that don’t resemble smooth, Zen-like states. It appears to me that development is grossly uncomfortable. Zen, flow, and all those wonderful states are often the aftermath of development, not the process itself.
If I want flow or Zen for any period of time, I have to be willing to drop pieces of myself that might look like entire trees to other people. It’s not about getting bigger; it’s about letting go of what’s weighing me down so I can get better. The storm doesn’t create new branches—it shapes what remains.
Progress isn’t about holding onto every limb. Stability isn’t about keeping every branch. Sometimes progress means dropping a piece of yourself that others thought defined you. Those losses aren’t signs of decay or weakness—they’re opportunities to refine and align with what comes next.
In the end, it’s about understanding that shedding those pieces isn’t an act of destruction but an act of transformation. Stability is always the first casualty of new growth.
What branches are you holding onto that are keeping you from what you could be?

January 11 – The Story of Us
Us begins with the recognition that we are more than individuals — it is a collective identity beyond ‘me’ and ‘you.’ It’s an emotional bond that fosters unity and belonging. It’s a physical presence or gathering that represents connectedness and the spaces where connectedness thrives.
Us isn’t just about proximity; it’s about connection and shared purpose. It’s in the collective that we find support, strength, and the opportunity to create something bigger than ourselves.
Where are you just in proximity? Where are you an us?
Are you looking for closer or connected?

January 12 – Growth and Development
Growth is the quantitative increase in size or magnitude. Bigger.
Development is the qualitative advancement or refinement of a person or system. Better.
Growth is about increasing capacity, while development is about increasing competency. Different.
We find It more useful to view development as intentional growth. When our focus shifts from just getting bigger to getting better, it often requires getting smaller or doing less. Restraint.

Classy Problems is a daily post of thinking in motion by Dan T. Rogers. Each post stands alone as a thought-provoking piece, yet together they create a puzzle of ideas. They invite you to see things from a different angle, rethink what you thought you knew, and explore what’s beyond your current understanding.
What is a classy problem?
A classy problem is when we’ve been afforded the opportunity to figure out what to do. When faced with classy problems, it is more effective to focus on what NOT to do than trying to figure out what to do. In a word – restraint. Join us in exploring the distinction between what to do and what not to do in the pursuit of clarity.

SPIRITUAL GANGSTER: Welcome to the ‘Spiritual Gangster’ wing of The Sober Curator, a haven for those on a sober journey with a twist of spiritual sass. Here, we invite you to plunge headfirst into a world of meditation, astrology, intentionality, philosophy, and spiritual reflection – all while keeping your feet (and sobriety) firmly on the ground.

Resources Are Available
If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.