Are you sober curious? If you’re thinking about it, just know that you are the only one that can decide whether or not to get sober- it’s entirely your prerogative.
Here are 24 empowering questions to ask yourself about your relationship with alcohol. The questions are deliberately open-ended so that you can draw your own conclusions, journal about them, or just give it some general food for thought. Whatever you decide…YOU got this!
- Why Am I Drinking?: Am I drinking for enjoyment or to cope with emotions?
- How Often Do I Drink?: Is drinking a daily necessity or a rare occurrence?
- How Much Do I Consume?: Am I regularly exceeding the recommended guidelines for alcohol consumption?
- Do I Drink Alone?: Is my drinking usually social, or do I find myself drinking alone frequently?
- Do I Drink to Feel Better?: Am I using alcohol as a tool to manage stress, anxiety, or depression?
- Can I Have Fun Without Alcohol?: Do I rely on alcohol to enjoy social events or relax?
- Am I Neglecting Responsibilities?: Has alcohol consumption affected my work, studies, or family responsibilities?
- Do I Crave Alcohol?: Do I find myself regularly craving a drink?
- Do I Experience Withdrawal Symptoms?: Have I experienced physical or emotional withdrawal symptoms when not drinking?
- Have I Tried to Cut Back?: Have I made unsuccessful attempts to reduce my drinking?
- Do I Hide My Drinking?: Am I secretive or dishonest about my alcohol consumption?
- How Does My Body React?: Have I noticed any physical health issues related to drinking?
- Am I Annoyed When Confronted About Drinking?: How do I react if someone comments on my drinking habits?
- Do I Blackout or Forget?: Have I experienced memory lapses or blackouts while drinking?
- Is My Social Life Centered Around Alcohol?: Are my social activities predominantly focused on opportunities to drink?
- Do I Prioritize Alcohol Over Other Activities?: Have I given up activities or hobbies I once enjoyed in favor of drinking?
- How Do I Feel Without Alcohol?: Do I feel anxious, restless, or uncomfortable without a drink?
- Have I Had Legal or Financial Troubles Due to Drinking?: Have I encountered legal issues, such as DUIs, or financial problems related to my drinking?
- Is My Tolerance Increasing?: Do I find myself needing to drink more to achieve the same effects?
- Do I Continue Drinking Despite Health Problems?: Am I ignoring health issues or continuing to drink even when it’s advised not to?
- Do Relationships Suffer Because of My Drinking?: Has my alcohol consumption caused issues in my personal relationships?
- Have I Tried to Hide Alcohol?: Do I find myself hiding alcohol around the home or office?
- How Do I Feel in Social Situations Without Alcohol?: Am I uncomfortable in social settings if alcohol isn’t available?
- Do I Get Irritated When I Can’t Drink?: How do I react if I’m in a situation where I cannot drink?
These questions are designed to prompt honest reflection about your drinking habits and may indicate whether you need to reassess your relationship with alcohol. Remember, the choice to get sober (or not) is yours. These questions will help you take an honest look at your drinking and will provide you with more information to help you make decision that’s right for you regarding your drinking habits.

RESOURCE GUIDE: At The Sober Curator, we provide high-quality content centered around the vibrant and fulfilling lifestyle of sobriety. While our focus is on the positive aspects of sober living, we also acknowledge that life can present challenges without the aid of alcohol or substances. Coping with these challenges alone can be daunting, which is why we strongly believe in finding recovery within a supportive community.
If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol use disorder, substance use disorder, or mental illness, we urge you to seek help. While the task may seem daunting, it’s important to remember that support is readily available and that there are people out there who genuinely want to help.
It’s crucial to remain persistent in your search for assistance until you find the right solution for your unique situation. In some cases, it could be a matter of life or death, so it’s essential to never give up on finding the necessary help.
In this section, we have compiled a list of national and regional services that are available, with many offering assistance 24/7. We encourage you to utilize these resources and continue seeking additional support and guidance until you find what works best for you.
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Resources Are Available
If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. And continue to look until you find what works for you. Click here for a list of regional and national resources.